Lightning app builder salesforce1
Lightning app builder salesforce1

lightning app builder salesforce1

Two not-to-miss features here are the “Swap rows and columns” icon and the “Remove all groups” icon at the top right. You can easily create different groupings by dragging and dropping fields into the pane or typing the field name into the appropriate area. The Outline Pane is where you organize which rows and columns appear in your report. Next to the Fields Pane are the Outline and Filters Panes. In the image below, I’m showing only the picklist fields in this Opportunity Pipeline report.

lightning app builder salesforce1

This whittles down a large number of fields into just what you’re looking for with one simple click. One convenient feature of the Fields Pane is the search capability where you can search for a specific type of field, like text, date, numeric, checkbox, or picklist. This initially appears collapsed, but you can simply click the arrow to expand the pane. Select this if you want to always preview how the report will look before running it. Let’s review the Lightning Report Builder interface in detail to uncover some of those hidden gems 💎 ! We’ll use a sample Opportunity Pipeline report as an example to walk through and highlight some of the useful features of the Lightning Report Builder.įirstly, a key feature that allows you to preview the modifications you are making in the Fields, Outline, and Filters Panes is the Update Preview Automatically checkbox. Next, you’ll assign the homepage as the org default, for a specific App, for specific profiles, or a combination of Apps and Profiles.The Lightning Report Builder is powerful, and there is so much functionality available to you and your users. You’ll need to activate your page before users can see it – click Activate in the top, righthand corner. Once you are happy with your homepage, click ‘Save’.Īctivate Your Salesforce Lightning Homepage For example, if you have a default homepage, you could make the Performance component appear only for users with the Sales Profile. You can make components conditionally appear based on criteria you set. I created a Salesforce homepage for a recruitment team and included some useful views to show open and closed jobs, as well as a report chart. You can make homepages even more useful by adding tools like list views, reports, and dashboards!

  • Performance – displays Opportunities for the current sales quarter that are closed or open with a probability of over 70%.
  • lightning app builder salesforce1

    Recent Records – records a user has viewed recently for easy access.Homepage Assistant – displays up to ten updates about Leads and Opportunities.Key Deals – an Opportunity list that can be filtered by users to show all their deals, deals closing soon, and other helpful list views.

    lightning app builder salesforce1

    Useful standard components for the homepage could include: Next, you’ll add components to the homepage.

    Lightning app builder salesforce1